Smart Printing


Despite the widespread adoption of Electronic Document Management (EDM), many clients across various industries still require printed copies of their documents. PIREL offers an innovative smart printing solution that allows companies to print on demand, following defined business rules and tailored to their specific needs. Our solution ensures that your printing processes are efficient, cost-effective, and aligned with your operational requirements, providing the flexibility and control necessary to meet both digital and physical document demands seamlessly.


  • Reduce Unnecessary Printing – Reduce waste by printing only the documents you need, when you need them. This smart printing solution ensures that unnecessary printing is eliminated, helping your organization become more environmentally friendly and reducing clutter from unneeded paper copies.
  • Save on Costs – Achieve significant cost savings by minimizing paper usage, conserving printing resources, and lowering operating expenses. With on-demand printing, you also save on shipping costs associated with transporting physical documents, leading to overall financial benefits for your company.
  • Eliminate Filing and Storage Needs – By reducing the volume of printed documents, you can eliminate the need for extensive filing and physical storage. This not only saves physical space but also reduces the time and labor associated with managing paper records, allowing for more efficient use of office space and resources.
  • Customization and Flexibility – Tailor your printing processes to meet specific business needs with customizable settings. Whether it’s adjusting print quantities, setting up automated print schedules, or applying company branding to documents, our solution offers the flexibility to adapt to your unique requirements.
  • Environmental Sustainability – Contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing your carbon footprint. Smart printing solutions help decrease paper waste and energy consumption, aligning with corporate social responsibility goals and promoting eco-friendly practices.
  • Improve Customer Satisfaction – Provide clients with high-quality, professionally printed documents when needed, improving customer satisfaction. This ensures that clients who prefer physical copies receive the same level of service and professionalism as those who opt for digital documents.

We realize that integrating a new solution in your business is complex. In considering our offer, you probably have questions for us on a wide range of topics, and we’ll be happy to answer them. The topics listed below are the ones that are the most frequently brought forward by our clients-to-be. Simply mention what you’d like to discuss when you request a demo using the button at the bottom of this page.


Let us tell you about how we can seamlessly integrate systems with our own.

We’ve seen quite a few different configurations and would love to talk about yours.


Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server, we can work with these databases or almost any other.

We can adapt to your technological and business requirements.


Join over half of our customers who host our solutions in SAAS mode in our private cloud.

Data centers located in Canada and certified Level III by the Uptime Institute.


Migrating data to an ECM platform can be laborious, to say the least.

But guess what! We’ve performed a lot of them, even from legacy systems.


PIREL is proud to offer personalized solutions as a core aspect of our commitment to your success and satisfaction. We provide customizable smart printing solutions tailored specifically to your unique business needs, ensuring a perfect fit to your operations.

Moreover, you won’t have to navigate this journey alone. Our dedicated team of experts is here to offer personal support every step of the way, from initial implementation to ongoing support. We aim to ensure that you adopt our solutions with confidence and security.

Join the countless companies that have revolutionized their business processes with our innovative smart printing solutions. By choosing PIREL, you’ll benefit from enhanced transaction security and operational efficiency. Embrace the future with us and watch your business thrive.

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